Successfully Passed The ISA CAPP Exam!

At the end of 2021, I decided to start the process of getting the highest and ultimate level of certification and training, for my Appraisal Business, the ISA CAPP certification. This is the final step on becoming a Certified Member of the International Society of Appraisers and I have avoided taking this step for many reasons, the test is grueling, the report is a masters level thesis report and on and on. I decided I was going to move forward and just received the exciting news that I successfully passed the CAPP exam!!! It was a grueling 4 hour exam mostly essay questions, filled with case law, legal definitions and all the stuff I was not expecting, but I did it!!! I actually was not sure if I passed, but I did much better than expected, and now I feel qualified to be cross examined in any court of law as an expert Art Appraiser. I still have the last hurdle which is the broad evidence report. #artappraiser #ISAappraiser

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